Public-Private Partnership Offered for VA Hospital

RADCLIFF, Ky  --  A new idea to pay for a new VA Hospital to serve the region...and it comes out of Radcliff.   Radcliff Mayor Mike Weaver is passionate about locating a new VA Hospital on 50 acres just outside the Hardin County city. 

Weaver and a team of investors are putting together a new public-private partnership that could expedite construction of a new hospital and possibly cut the overall cost by up to 80-percent.  Weaver says VA hospital projects underway in Orlando, New Orleans, and Las Vegas are a combined $1.5 billion over cost estimates and construction is running 14 months or more behind.

The VA is currently looking to build a new hospital along Brownsboro Road in Louisville, a project that has neighbors opposing the move...a move that Weaver calls "nuts" because its already over-priced and behind schedule.

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